Events by track
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Adventkalender vs. Adventskalender
Da sich die Komposita „Adventkalender“ und „Adventskalender“ aus denselben... |
Diverse | ||
"Alles für die Frau" und "Selbst ist der Mann"
Der Vortrag befasst sich mit den Namen deutschsprachiger Frauen- und... |
Diverse | ||
Characters' Speech Acts in the Russian TV Series "How I Became Russian": Linguistic Culturological Perspective
This talk explores communicative failures from a linguistic culturological... |
Diverse | ||
Collecting Data in Linguistics Using Acceptability Judgments
This workshop introduces students without prior experience in experimental... |
Diverse | ||
Congratulations, you have a degree in Linguistics! … what now?
This workshop is primarily aimed at linguistics students who are either about... |
Diverse | ||
Gender Bias in AI – A Case Study with ChatGPT
The study explores gender bias in ChatGPT-generated texts, shedding light on... |
Diverse | ||
Gender bias in language: lexical gender modification of gender-neutral occupational terms in English
Talk presenting a bachelor's thesis on implicit gender biases carried by... |
Diverse | ||
LaTeX für LinguistInnen - Workshop für AnfängerInnen - TEIL 1
Wir bieten einen Workshop für AnfängerInnen an, in welchem LinguistInnen den... |
Diverse | ||
LaTeX für LinguistInnen - Workshop für AnfängerInnen - TEIL 2
Wir bieten einen Workshop für AnfängerInnen an, in welchem LinguistInnen den... |
Diverse | ||
Looking through the eyes of signers and non-signers
Sign languages are primarily produced with the hands as manual articulators.... |
Diverse | ||
PhD journey through the lenses of Internet memes: content analysis, humor, multimodality
In this talk we will offer a multimodal analysis of memes which depict... |
Diverse | ||
Eigener Laptop mit R und RStudio... |
Diverse | ||
und ich war so hä? – Quotativkonstruktionen mit hä im gesprochenen Deutsch
In diesem Vortrag wird die Interjektion hä untersucht, die mit einer... |
Diverse | ||
Wissen schafft Macht!
Die frei zugangliche Publikation wissenschaftlicher Inhalte als Werkzeug der... |
Diverse |
Historical Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Argument marking in Georgian
This talk will be concerned with the strategies the Georgian language uses to... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Griechisch Diachron
Im Vortrag soll die Morphologie des Tsakonischen untersucht und mit der des... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Mediävistische Textanalyse und ihr Potential in der Etablierung einer historischen Spracheinstellungsforschung.
Mein Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit dem linguistischen Konzept der... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Reconstructing the articulation of PIE *s
In this paper, I will demonstrate the possibilities of phonetic... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
The mysterious appearance of “-abair”
The development from Old to Middle Irish features a near-complete overhaul of... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Trees, Waves and Friends (PART ONE)
Everybody knows that some languages are related. Linguists usually use a tree... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Trees, Waves and Friends (PART TWO)
Everybody knows that some languages are related. Linguists usually use a tree... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Using Cognate Reflex Prediction during Fieldwork as Hypothesis Test for Genealogical Relations between Language Families
Historical Linguistics | ||
Zwischen Onomastik und Place-making:
Historical Linguistics |
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Aspect in Livonian: The role of prefixes and direct object marking
Aspect is not a fully grammaticalized category in Livonian. However, two... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages
In my presentation I will share general information on Classifier... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
"Der", "die" oder "das Potato"?
Anglizismen sind heutzutage ein allgegenwärtiges Phänomen. Was aber ist... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Differentielle Objektmarkierung im Arabischen
Ein Beginn differentieller Objektmarkierung ist bereits im... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
English Converbs?
The adverbial use of the English participles exhibits many similarities with... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Silbeninversionssprachen in der europäischen Peripherie
Das Phänomen, dass Sprachformen entstehen, bei denen phonologische Wörter... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Sprechen in Stadt und Land
Im Rahmen der Präsentation wird meine Bachelorarbeit aus dem Studium... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
The Berferatî Dialect of Kurmanji Kurdish: An Internal Classification
This study (Bachelor Thesis) presents a lexical and phonological... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
The language of pain in Bolivian Quechua and Spanish
In this talk I will outline the general topic and methods for my upcoming... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Verb suppletion by gender in languages of New Guinea
Verb suppletion by gender is a rare, unusual phenomenon in which different... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Vergessen dass und vergessen zu: semantische und strukturelle Faktoren in der Belief-intent-Alternation im Baskischen
Viele Sprachen haben eine Klasse von Verben, deren Komplementsatz sowohl eine... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics |
Corpus Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Alle Kinder außer Karl spielen Fußball Pilze isst außer Karla Peter. |
Corpus Linguistics | ||
Dutch deverbal interpersonal pragmatic markers across registers
Dutch deverbal interpersonal pragmatic markers across registers This... |
Corpus Linguistics | ||
(Non-)Shifting egocentricals in the vast grey area of Russian 'semi-indirect-speech'
When we talk, we constantly refer to other people and things they say.... |
Corpus Linguistics | ||
Wortschatz in Mietverträgen
Internationale Studierende dürfen in einer Reihe von deutschsprachigen... |
Corpus Linguistics |
Applied Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Buchvorstellung: „Handbuch synonymer grammatischer Mittel im Deutschen“ von Denisa Bordag, Meike Münster, Verena Gruber, Lisa-Naomi Meller und Andreas Opitz
Der Vortrag stellt die im Titel genannte Publikation vor, die im Mai 2024... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Due mila parole Italiane: Wordlists for Language Acquisition in Schools
The MultiLingProfiler, a lexical profiling tool developed, supports language... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Identität als linguistische Kategorie - Eine Diskussion anhand der Konstruktion österreichischer kollektiver Identität(en) im aktuellen Politikdiskurs
Die Masterarbeit, die im geplanten Vortrag präsentiert werden soll,... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Improving Tunisian Higher Education Through Revising Language Policies
Applied Linguistics | ||
Kollokationen zum Thema Haushalt im Lehrwerk „Menschen A1.2“ und ihr Vergleich zu Sprachmustern im Indonesischen
Diese Arbeit untersucht Kollokationsprofile zum Thema Haushalt im Lehrwerk... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
"Linguistic Living Spaces"
Workshop "Linguistic Living Spaces" Wir präsentieren die innovative... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Motivation als Parameter beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprache
Motivation hebt sich neben einer Vielzahl von Faktoren, die die Erlernung... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Talk “Ukrainian words in use: How subjective can word meaning be?”
Abstract Meaning of words develops and changes over time (cf. Cherubim... |
Applied Linguistics |
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Other |
Bufata Plenum
Other |
Other |
Closing plenary
Other |
Keynote: Register variation in child speech: Morphological and morphosyntactic features in role play conversations
The talk will present an analysis of spontaneous children's conversations in... |
Other |
Keynote: Sign languages on the move: What deaf migrants can teach us about communication across borders
Other |
Keynote: The Language of the Arab Minority in Southern Iran: a Language Documentation Project
The Arabic varieties spoken on the Persian Gulf in the two Iranian provinces... |
Other |
Keynote: The relevance of syntax for conversion: Insights from nominalizations
Other |
Keynote: Workshop on Kinyarwanda
Other |
Lunch Break (meal voucher)
Other |
Opening Session
Other |
Other |
Poster Session 2
Other |
Walk to the StuTS-building with subsequent building tour
Other |
Phonetics and Phonology
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Bye Bye Binaries
In dem Vortrag soll die Masterarbeit von Leah Nieber vorgestellt werden, die... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
„Mein Name ist Hoan-[t]“
Dieser Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit dem bisher unerforschten Phänomen der... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Phonological shift and consonant devoicing in Brazilian Portuguese
This study investigates consonant devoicing in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), in... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Segmental Variation in English Non-Native Accents in Russia: the influence of some local indigenous languages
Phonetics and Phonology |
Theoretical Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Challenging the Deep French Hypothesis
Michif is a mixed language spoken by the Métis people of the Canadian... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Das transitive Subjekt in der Kausativ-Antikausativ-Alternation
In meinem Poster werde ich meine (noch nicht fertiggestellte) Masterarbeit... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Gradability, scale structure and deadjectival verbs
I present work done for my Master's thesis, which I am currently working on.... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
How to Optimise Your Grammar in Three Levels
This workshop is meant for non-theoretical and theoretical linguists who are... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Immersion und Leserfragen - Zur Ursache von Spannung
Die narrative Spannung lässt sich über Leserfragen zur Geschichte erklären.... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Stratal Evidence from Downstep in Moro
Downstep is the lowering process of tones and makes a typologically... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Turkish Verbal Morphology
Turkish is well-known to be a typical example of an agglutinative language.... |
Theoretical Linguistics |
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Fostering Social Justice in Teaching Multilingual English: A Post-modern Approach
Sociolinguistics | ||
Giving directions in Bavarian German
This presentation is concerned with in-progress work on a special case of... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Humour and Ideology: Critical Analysis of Ideological Discourse within Internet Memes
A complex linguistic phenomenon such as humour is often studied in a very... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Putting it back together again: Heritage speakers` repair practices in German and English
Heritage speakers and their competencies have long occupied studies of... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Revitalisierung von Minderheitensprachen: eine Studie am Beispiel des Niederdeutschen
Niederdeutsch ist heutzutage eine Regionalsprache, die vor allem für junge... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
'Stancetaking' in Kommentarspalten auf Youtube mit ideologischem Radikalisierungspotenzial
Der Vortrag setzt sich mit den Kommentaren zu einem Video der "Incel"-Szene... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
The development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in English learners in a study abroad context
Every year, millions of students worldwide choose to study abroad in order to... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Trash-TV & die Verwendung von Schimpfwörter
Trash-TV ist ein populäres, aber auch umstrittenes Genre der... |
Sociolinguistics |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Gesture vs. vocalisation: How did language begin?
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
How does one's L2 influence their L1?
It is well-known that L2 speakers, especially those living in an L2-speaking... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
I am fluent in Code-Switching und du?
The phenomena of code-switching and its advantages for the individual and the... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Language, time, and space embodied
In this presentation, we will contemplate the nature of spatial dimension in... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
New Technologies in Linguistics
This workshop aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Rethinking Probabilities: Why Corpus Frequencies Cannot Capture Speakers' Dynamic Linguistic Behaviour
Researchers often refer to information in terms of the information content of... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics |
Computational Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
The contemporary Cyborg: Establishing categories for (linguistic) AI evaluation within a post-humanist paradigm based on an exemplary analysis of HuggingGPT
This presentation aims to evaluate the AI tool HuggingGPT based on key... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
Using information theory to explain language change
Abstract Whether a language uses prepositions or postpositions correlates... |
Computational Linguistics |